Meadow Brook Elementary


Mrs. Bice's Second Grade


  • Return all classroom or library books ASAP!
  • Return school laptops ASAP
  • June 7th and 8th- half days

Words We Learned

  • collector
  • one and one-half
  • fluency

Reader’s Workshop

We have been LOVING learning about the world of fairy tales and folktales! This week, readers we focused on how characters respond to a challenge and the emotions and feelings that impact their thought process. We have also been enjoying acting out some of the fairy tales to really grasp what adventures our characters are encountering!

Writer’s Workshop

Writing has been lots of fun! We have really been enjoying learning about all the different genres of nonfiction genre. This week we worked on subtopics within a chapter. We chose one topic and then picked a few subtopics that we wanted to teach about. This really helped the writers to elaborate more! We also started to think about the types of facts we are including in our writing! Are they action facts and teaching the reader the action that takes place? Or is it a parts and numbers fact that will have a diagram or numbers to teach? Or might it be a definition fact that clearly defines what something is?

We also went back to looking at our spelling in Writer’s Workshop. We often spend so much time working on the content that 2nd graders forget about all the phonics they have learned and misspell words they know! Work with your writer on writing a word three ways if they are unsure of the spelling! This strategy can really help kids to determine how to spell the word!


We culminated our Word Builders unit by creating a commercial for the BLC Construction and Demolition Company. Although all the kids knew it was make believe, they had the BEST time planning and creating their commercial. They were asked to create a commercial for the BLC company to teach others how to build and demolish words. Word Builders also received a special business card to prove that they are the ultimate word builders! Check out Seesaw to see your child’s group perform.

We will finish the year with a mini unit on word collecting! We will look closely at new and exciting words and add new words to our vocabulary!


This week we continued to learn how plants and animals rely on each other. We learned about the world of bees, specifically honey bees! We learned all about the queen, workers and drones. The kids were so impressed by all of their jobs and the incredible life cycle and workings of the bees and their colonies. Don’t be surprised if your 2nd graders asks to put in more flowers into your landscape to help bees :)

MAP Testing

We finished the math portion of our MAP test today! The kids did really well and it has been fun to see how much they have grown this year. I am not sure if the school will be sending home the results or not! If they are not planning on it, feel free to reach out to me and I am happy to share the results from the test.


This will be the last week for homework! I know it’s a busy time of year with Memorial Day next weekend! Thanks for being so receptive to homework this year! I hope you found value in the process and it gave you a peak into your child’s work ethic, understanding of content and independent functioning!