Meadow Brook Elementary


Mrs. Bice's Second Grade


  • Feb 14. V-day party @ 2:50 pm
  • Feb. 20-Author’s Celebration @ 3:00pm-All Families welcome

Words We Learned

  • quotation marks
  • difference

Reader’s Workshop

This week we moved our focus from fluency over to comprehension. Readers have been loving reading “twin books” with their reading partners. These are books that I have 2 copies of and the students set goals with their reading partner on how they will each individually read. Then they meet up once they have reached that target. Readers then discuss the chapter they just read. We learned how useful post-its can be to track our thinking! It’s important that we take notes while we read so we can keep things straight and don’t forget important parts.

Writer’s Workshop

During Writer’s Workshop we learned about the last part of our opinion writing. Writer’s thought about books that they feel VERY strongly about. Then they were able to nominate their book for an award! They have been busy nominating awards for their books and will be displaying them at our Author’s Celebration on Thursday, February 20 at 3:00 pm! All parents are invited to attend this amazing celebration of writing! The celebration will be in the Library as we will be celebrating with the entire 2nd grade! Writer’s will bring home an invite on Monday officially inviting you but I wanted to have you Save the Date ASAP! Looking forward to showing you our fabulous writing next week!

Spirit Week & Valentine’s Day

Spirit Week felt really special this year because we focused on kindness! Students loved having a focus each day! We culminated the week having each student write an “opinion” letter to a randomly assigned classmate! The students not only wrote from their hearts but also gave reasons why they believe their peer is a great classmate. What a great way to express gratitude for this who are so near and dear to our everyday!

We also enjoyed giving back to the community by filling Kids Food Basket bags! We spent this morning giving back to the community by working together to fill the bags with snacks! Thank you to everyone who donated. This was truly a wonderful experience for all of the students.