Meadow Brook Elementary


Mrs. Bice's Second Grade


  • Oct. 21: Half Day Dismissal at 11:55 am
  • Practicing Tying Shoes
  • Book Orders Due by Monday

Words We Learned

  • addition word problem
  • number model
  • mindfulness

Reader’s Workshop

Reading Celebration!!!! Today marks the end of of our first unit of reading! I try to have a different celebration for the students for each unit of reading and writing! Today we will be making suitcases to celebrate “Readers Go On Adventures!” Inside their suitcases, they will put in a few of their favorite things: favorite character, book, reading spot, and more! We are so proud of all the hard work over the past few weeks! Readers have really taken off and I am already seeing so much growth! We also have an apple juice “toast” and Oreo cookies to celebrate our growth and hard work! Check out Seesaw to see some pictures from the day!


The students LOVED learning about the sound /er/ this week! They were amazed to see how the same sound sound be written in so many different ways! We learned an amazing phrase that will really help our class in knowing which r-controlled vowel we should use! Look at the picture below:

These r-controlled vowels are placed in the sentence based on how frequently they are found in the English language! Kiddos have been referring to this chart a ton when they are working on stretching out words with r-controlled vowels. A great strategy for writers is to have try a word three ways! They now know so many patterns for r-controlled vowels that they can try several different ways before it clicks!


I hope you were able to take some time to read over the unit 2 parent overview that was sent home on Monday! This is a great way for you to see what your child will focus on during the upcoming unit! Some topics included in unit 2 are: place value, number stories, helper facts, the commutative property (2 + 4=4+2), even and odd, and much much more! This week we kicked off the unit

Social Studies

This week we continued learning about communities! We focus on the different communities: urban, suburban and rural. The class had a ton of fun learning about the different communities and what makes them unique! They included people, things, places and animals you might see in each of those communities. We will put up their communities learning and artwork in the hallway but be on the lookout to see their work on Seesaw and when they bring it home in the next few weeks!

Last Call for Scholastic Book Orders

Last call to make book orders! Click here to place a Scholastic Book Order online! Every order you place helps our class to earn free books for us to have in the classroom! All orders are due by Monday, October 12.

Social Emotional Learning

During Morning Meeting this week students were introduced to the idea of “mindfulness.” What an important piece of social emotional intelligence for kids to be able be more mindful of their thoughts, feelings and bodies! We practiced yoga, some meditation and talked about all the benefits of mindfulness!

Mindfulness was a perfect segue into talking about self control. We finished the week talking about things we can control and things that are out of our control. The students were amazed to see the difference between things we can control and things we can’t!


I will slowly be incorporating some more homework into the school year as we get closer to quarter 1. I really wanted to give families and kids a chance to ease into the school year before adding in homework to the mix. The only homework your child needs to do every night is read, read, read!

Husky Hustle/Halloween

Meadow Brook will not have Halloween celebrations this year! More info to come on how we can still celebrate and have a fall celebration on October 30th! The Husky Hustle will also take place on October 30th. This will be our main fundraiser for the year and we can’t wait to hustle around outside. Unfortunately we won’t be able to have families come and cheer us on but I will be sure to take a ton of photos and videos to share all the fun with you! More info will be coming from the school and the PTO!

Parent/Teacher Conferences

We will have Parent/Teacher Conferences over Zoom the week of November 2. They will be spread out across the week after school hours. You will be able to sign up for a 15 minute time slot within the next week or so.