Meadow Brook Elementary


Mrs. Bice's Second Grade


  • Next week- Spirit Week
  • Friday- Valentine’s Day

Words We Learned

  • literary language
  • matter
  • solids

Reader’s Workshop

WOW! Readers really took off with their stamina and love for reading this week. A shift happened, where kids were begging to have Reader’s Workshop. Readers learned about literary language and found it all over our books! Whether an author talked about a “fork in the road” or “her head was spinning from all the new information.” 2nd grade readers have to really stop and think to keep tabs on their comprehension. It’s important that they make sure to stop and think about what is happening in the story so their comprehension doesn’t break down!

One way readers can check in on their comprehension is to have a twin book with their reading partner. Each partnership picked out a “twin book.” I compiled a collection of books that I found 2 copies of so each partner could have a copy. Partnerships set goals together on how much they want to read and then they come back together to discuss. This is a perfect segue for our Books Clubs that will be coming towards the end of the year!

Writer’s Workshop

Writer’s continued to write and share some some of their favorite fictional characters and books. They have been working hard to state their opinion and give reasons and evidence to back it up! Some writers chose to mail their letters out to friends or family while others put their letters inside our class library for readers to find! Next week we will continue to make our writing stronger, longer and MORE convincing!

All Are Welcome / Kindness Spirit Week!

Next week Meadow Brook will be celebrating Spirit Week.

Monday: All Are Welcome Day! Smile, greet, and/or introduce yourself to students and staff that you might not know.

Tuesday: Greetings in GREEN! Wear green to support inclusion and reduce isolation.

Wednesday: Mix It Up Lunch Day! Sit and eat with peers that you normally would not eat with.

Thursday: Thoughtful Thursday! Write or say compliments to others and/or do some random acts of kindness.

Friday: Kids Food Basket Day of Service! Wear Husky Hustle shirts. We will also celebrate Valentine’s Day from 2:50-3:45. If you would like to help out at our celebration, please come at 2:30! Your child can feel free to bring in Valentine’s for the class! We will pass them out in the morning!

Kindergarten Buddies

On Thursday we had the opportunity to bring graphing into Mrs. Meyer’s kindergarten class with our buddies. Buddies sorted and graphed Conversation Hearts. It has been such a great experience to watch the 2nd graders lead the kindergartners.


We continued our unit of study around “Matter.” Scientists began the week by going on a hunt to find objects with different properties. This was a great way for students to collaborate, explore and increase their science vocabulary. Later in the week we gained a better understanding on the 3 states of matter: solids, liquids, and gases. We finish the week off with investigating at 4 different labs. Scientists explored and tested flexibility, creating a dam, using different properties to describe crackers, and designing and engineering a toy. They had a ton of fun while exploring with matter!