Meadow Brook Elementary


Mrs. Bice's Second Grade


  • Chromebooks turned in ASAP
  • No School Memorial Day (May 31)
  • June 3- Field Day (more info to come)

Words We Learned

  • fraction
  • point of view
  • photosynthesis

Reader’s Workshop

In Readers Workshop we began to learn more about the world of fairy tales and folktales. We looked closely at dialogue and how important it is to read like the character! This really helps us to better understand how the character is feeling, thinking and even their point of view. We also learned how characters can encounter the same situation or problem but have completely different point of views. We finished the week by thinking about the good characters and evil characters and what traits they each have! It has been a ton of fun to read some classics this week: Tortoise and the Hare, Little Red Riding Hood, Thumbelina and Clever Jack Takes the Cake.

Writer’s Workshop

We circled back to writing more nonfiction books but this time we are looking closely at all of the different ways nonfiction books can be written. Writers worked on deciding how to teach about their topic by thinking carefully about all the different kinds of nonfiction structures. We read a mentor text titled “The Real Poop on Pigeon’s” which was a fabulous book to show how nonfiction texts can also be written as comics. The writers have LOVED learning about all these fun ways to teach others true information!


As we close out this phonics unit, we are working hard at demolishing BLC (bigger, longer and more complex) words. We learned that readers need to make sure to keep vowel teams together AND r-controlled vowels together. These are super important reminders when looking at a word and figuring out how to “attack it.” Next week we will finish out the unit by making commercials to teach others everything we have learned about constructing, destructing BIG words!

Math Workshop

This week we wrapped up unit 8 in our math curriculum. Your child should be able to identify and describe the attributes of 2D and 3D shapes, partition rectangles into equal parts, and understand arrays with repeated addition. The next few days we will be working on fractions before we head into our next unit. We will work on partitioning circles and rectangles into two, three, or four equal shares, describing the shares using the words halves, thirds, half of, a third of, etc., We will have a ton of fun playing games, slicing up play-doh pizzas, and cutting shapes apart to better understand fractions.


This week we wrapped up our learning on plants by creating our incredible flower projects! Scientists worked hard to teach others about chlorophyll, photosynthesis, the life cycle, and the job of each part of the plant. Encourage your scientist to share their learning with their family.

We also had a wonderful cup of caterpillars donated by one of our families. We have loved watching them grow! We have had 3 transform into beautiful butterflies and are hoping to have a few more today!


Attention IN-PERSON students who have borrowed a Chromebook- Please return by Friday, May 14th, 2021. Items to be returned- Chromebook and CHARGER (please plug the cord into the Chromebook). Please write your student’s first and last name and grade level on a note attached to the device. Students can drop these off at the office.


We will take the MAP test on Tuesday (reading) and Friday (math) morning. Please make sure your child arrives to school on time as we will be starting the test at 9:15 a.m. each morning. I am really looking forward to seeing how much they have grown since the new year!