Meadow Brook Elementary


Mrs. Bice's Second Grade


  • Library Books Due Every Thursday
  • Your child should read 15-20 minutes every night
  • Picture Retakes- Oct. 18

Words We Learned

  • proboscis
  • pollination
  • hand pollinator

Reader’s Workshop

We had so much fun this week building stamina and “rolling up our sleeves” to read tricky words. We learned a few more strategies that might help us when we come to a tricky word. Vowel teams are really powerful and we have been finding them everywhere. Vowel teams are two vowels that are next to each other. After studying several words, we realized that vowel teams can make lots of different sounds! It is our job, to roll up our sleeves and figure out which sounds the vowel team makes! We also learned that just because we can read a word… we don’t stop there! We need to make sure we understand what it means! Some words can have more than one meaning and need to be sure to pay attention to the surrounding words!

Writer’s Workshop

This week we started the week off goal setting. We used a checklist to carefully look through our writing and decide what we needed to work on. Writer’s have been reviewing their goals daily and working hard to meet those goals. The writers spent much of this week rereading and revising their work. Writer’s learned how to revise with intent yesterday. Writers write books and try to leave the reader with a feeling. When we choose books to read, sometimes they make us feel happy, excited, sad or surprised. Writer’s try to think of the audience that what effect they want to have on their reader!Writers also shared their writing in small groups! They had to share their piece and then their group members had had to infer the intent.

In the next few weeks I am going to be asking for some parent volunteers during Writer’s Workshop! I would do a mini tutorial on how to confer with writers! The time for Writers Workshop is 9:05 each morning! Please let me know if you would be interested!


We continued to learn about pollination and bees this week! We were able to simulate a bee flying over to flowers and pollinating, identifying the purpose that bees serve! Today we will work in collaborative groups to design a hand pollinator. Scientists will try to move pollen from one flower to the next by creating a hand pollinator! Its amazing how excited kids get over crushed Cheetos and powdered sugar!

Wish List

We are in need of a few classroom items! Please click here to view the wishlist!

Picture Retakes

Retakes will take place on Friday, October 18. If you would like your child to get a retake, they must bring in the photos that were passed out earlier this week! Please let me know as well so I can plan accordingly! Thanks!

Parent Teacher Conferences

Today I will send an invite to sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences for parents with more than one child at Meadow Brook. On Tuesday at 4:00 pm, I will send the sign up to the rest of the class. The dates are Monday, October 29 and Wednesday, October 30 from 4:00-8:00 pm. I am really looking forward to sharing with you your child’s assessments, goals, and areas to grow.