First week

First week of 2nd grade in the books!

Phew! We did it! We had a wonderful week in room 248! It has been a very busy and great start to the school year.

I just finished reading all of your thoughtful notes about your children. I loved learning about their interests, as well as learning more about what makes them tick! Thank you so much for taking the time to send that paperwork back to school.


I will be sending out a weekly newsletter every week! Starting next week I will email you the newsletter and it will be posted to my classroom website each Friday! I will go over the website and how you can best support your child at home during Curriculum Night Please join us in room 248 on Wednesday, September 4 from 7:00 - 7:45. I will be going over many topics about the school year! Please let me know if you are unable to attend and I can get you the info!


Please remember that all enrollment forms and health history forms were due this week. Please return as soon as possible if you have not yet done so.

Personal Items

Please be sure to label coats, backpacks and lunch bags with your child’s name. It is so much easier to find the owner of missing items if they are labeled.

Take Home Folders

Students are expected to take folders back and forth to school on a daily basis. There will be days when the folder is empty. Thank you so much for taking a few minutes to check the folder for papers each day.

Specials Schedule

Monday: Music/Tech
Tuesday: PE/Culture
Wednesday: Art
Thursday: Culture
Friday: PE/Music

Classroom Needs

We are in need of scissors! If you have any to donate we would welcome them with open arms!

I consider it a privilege to be your son or daughter’s teacher this year. Thank you for entrusting them into my care. We are going to have a great year growing and learning together!

Mrs. Bice